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Eye on Africa


Nungwi & Kendwa, explore the beautiful Zanzibar north

  The north of the main island of Zanzibar (Unguja) is a place of rare beauty, perhaps because it has been little exploited by man and tourism. The extreme northern tip of the island allows the meeting between the rough waves of the open ocean and the calmer waters of the Tanzanian sea. Here theContinue reading "Nungwi & Kendwa, explore the beautiful Zanzibar north"

Jack Bauer


Kiwengwa, the white Paradise beach you shall enjoy

  There is a very popular area, in the already very popular tourist destination of the island of Zanzibar: it is the Pwani-Pongwe Coast. As the name suggests, it is a coastline located on the north-eastern side of Zanzibar, between the two famous seaside resorts of Pwani and Pongwe. Within this portion of the territoryContinue reading "Kiwengwa, the white Paradise beach you shall enjoy"

Jack Bauer
