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Eye on Africa


Zanzibar: Marine Turtle release

The 15th of June 2019, in Zanzibar, we partecipated at the event of Mnarani Turtle Aquarium of release of more than 50 marine turtles. The conservation project is called Mnarani 'place of the lighthouse' in Swahili, and is located at the northern tip of Zanzibar Island in the small village of Nungwi near the lighthouse that marks this landmark. The pondContinue reading "Zanzibar: Marine Turtle release"

Heart of Africa Expedition


Zanzibar: Spice Tour excursion

During this spice tour we will have a real experience to prove why Zanzibar is referred to as the “Spice island”, going thorough introduction to the lush botanic heritage of the region. We discovered many rare spice and their uses apart from serving as food flavor and marvel at curative possibilities that could be found in some of spices. IndeedContinue reading "Zanzibar: Spice Tour excursion"

Heart of Africa Expedition


Zanzibar: one day in Stone Town

Let's go on with the discover of the beauty of Zanzibar talking about Stone Town. Stone Town is a city of prominent historical and important of East Africa. Its architectures, mostly dating back to the XIX century, reflect the diverse influences underling the swahili culture, giving a unique mixture of arab, persian, indian and european elements. For thisContinue reading "Zanzibar: one day in Stone Town"

Heart of Africa Expedition


Zanzibar: Prison Island

After the big islands of Unguja and Pemba, another most know island of the Zanzibar Archipelago is Prison Island. History Changuu is the name, after the swahili name of the fish which is common in the waters around it, of Prison Island, that it is also shown as Kibandiko Island on some old maps. ButContinue reading "Zanzibar: Prison Island"

Heart of Africa Expedition


Zanzibar: Mangapwani caves

Today we're going to talk about a common excursion on the beautiful Zanzibar Island: The Mangapwani Caves. Mangapwani literally means “The Oman Arabs are on the shore”. The village of Mangapwani is located in Bumbwini road, near the western shore of the main island of Zanzibar. Some 20km north of Zanzibar town. The discover ItContinue reading "Zanzibar: Mangapwani caves"

Heart of Africa Expedition
