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Eye on Africa


Lamu archipelago a hidden paradise

Today I wanna talk about a new partnership that is born to promote the Hidden paradise of Lamu Archipelago. A view from the sea of Lamu Town The Lamu Archipelago is located in the Indian Ocean so close to the northern coast of Kenya, and the islands lie between the towns of Lamu and Kiunga. The largest of the islands are PateContinue reading "Lamu archipelago a hidden paradise"

Heart of Africa Expedition


White Rhino Tracking

WHITE RHINO TRACKING Today i'm still going to write about our trip in Zambia, but i'll focus about our White Rhino Tracking in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. White rhinos in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park The Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park [Mosi wa Tunya] "The Smoke Which Thunders" from the Kololo or Lozi language. Is a UNESCO World Heritage site thatContinue reading "White Rhino Tracking"

Heart of Africa Expedition


Victoria Falls excursion

Today we want to tell you about our trip to Zambia, in particular of an experience that has left us breathless: the Victoria Falls excursion, a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, one of the greatest attractions and one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world located on the Zambezi River,Continue reading "Victoria Falls excursion"

Heart of Africa Expedition


Tanzania Safari Expedition

In this expedition we had 9 days of safari in the North of Tanzania exploring the Rift Valley of Lake Manyara Serengeti National Park Ngorongoro Crater Tarangire National Park and Lake Natron completing most of the National Parks in the North circuit. Starting from Arusha we crossed the Maasai plains to reach the spectacular Rift Valley of Lake Manyara. FlamingoContinue reading "Tanzania Safari Expedition"

Heart of Africa Expedition


Not a common travel company

Why we define ourselves not a common travel company? “It’s easy to talk about Africa, it's difficult to know it deeply, to enter into the African way, unless we're undressing of our Western knowledge and, like a novice who learns, open up well our eyes and ears, and, above all, the heart, to rhythms, thoughtsContinue reading "Not a common travel company"

Heart of Africa Expedition
