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Eye on Africa


History of the Sultanates of Kilwa and Zanzibar

  The east coast of Africa is not just safari in the wild, stunning beaches, wonderful seabeds. This part of the "Swahili land" also has a very interesting history. The whole coast used to be part of important kingdoms, here called "sultanates", the most important of which was the sultanate of Kilwa. But the islandContinue reading "History of the Sultanates of Kilwa and Zanzibar"

Welcome to Burkina Faso

When you hear about Burkina Faso you mainly hear about poor people, starving populations, deserts, wild lands. No one would ever book a holiday to Burkina Faso. What for? But the beauty of Africa is untouched, even in one of the poorest places in the continent. And maybe you will find out that Burkina FasoContinue reading "Welcome to Burkina Faso"

Zanzibar Princess Salme Museum

Princess Salme Museum, in Zanzibar, is very close to  Emerson Hotel on Hurumzi Street. It is in fact a detached part of it. Princess Salme was the daughter of the sultan of Oman who used to rule his homeland from his palace on Zanzibar island. She ran away from her family's palace in 1866. SheContinue reading "Zanzibar Princess Salme Museum"

Zanzibar: Prison Island

After the big islands of Unguja and Pemba, another most know island of the Zanzibar Archipelago is Prison Island. History Changuu is the name, after the swahili name of the fish which is common in the waters around it, of Prison Island, that it is also shown as Kibandiko Island on some old maps. ButContinue reading "Zanzibar: Prison Island"

Zanzibar: Mangapwani caves

Today we're going to talk about a common excursion on the beautiful Zanzibar Island: The Mangapwani Caves. Mangapwani literally means “The Oman Arabs are on the shore”. The village of Mangapwani is located in Bumbwini road, near the western shore of the main island of Zanzibar. Some 20km north of Zanzibar town. The discover ItContinue reading "Zanzibar: Mangapwani caves"