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Eye on Africa


Tourist itineraries in Zambia

It is not easy to plan tourist itineraries in a country, Zambia, which can offer hundreds of interesting places to discover, and thousands of others yet to be explored. To give you a guideline of the routes, we have taken the main cities of the nation as reference points. So to invite you discover theContinue reading "Tourist itineraries in Zambia"

Lusaka, Livingstone and other Zambia cities

  Zambia is a vast territory, for some time now not controlled by local tribal groups. After independence and subsequent changes, the administration of the territory was entrusted to ten provinces (Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, North, North-West, South and West) but not all the capitals can actually be called “cities”. The only realContinue reading "Lusaka, Livingstone and other Zambia cities"

Welcome to Zambia

  Located in southern Africa, landlocked, Zambia has always been a land of brave warriors and hunters. An intertwining of many ancient tribes, it underwent European colonizations in the 19th century - Portuguese and British especially - until it reached independence in 1964. The Country's political situation today continues to be unstable but the mainContinue reading "Welcome to Zambia"

Triangle of Wonders: Pongwe, Unguja Ukuu and Pingwe

  If your idea of an African holiday must necessarily also include a hinterland rich in forests and fauna, you could think of this itinerary on the largest island of the Zanzibar archipelago. A sort of "triangle of wonders" that starts from the east coast, touches the west coast to return east, crossing the heartContinue reading "Triangle of Wonders: Pongwe, Unguja Ukuu and Pingwe"

Explore Paje, Bwejuu and Jambiani

123movies   Descending towards the south of the main island of Zanzibar, beyond the large bay of Chwaka, you come across a spectacular and very long coastline. Ten kilometers of white sand, palm trees in the wind, turquoise waves form the coast on which the villages of Bwejuu, Paje and Jambiani stand. If at firstContinue reading "Explore Paje, Bwejuu and Jambiani"