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Eye on Africa


BOSTWANA, the land of tswana

Tswana is the tribe of the land of Bostwana while Setswana is name of the language they speak. They use Setswana in everyday life ‘if you want to travel to Botswana why not pick up simple swana words that you can use when you travel their ‘. The main religion is Christianity, though these daysContinue reading "BOSTWANA, the land of tswana"

Zimbabwe Mana Pools National Park

Mana pools National Park in Zimbabwe take its name from a Zimbabwean shona world meaning “four” it refers to the four water pools that are formed by the Zambezi River. When it comes to Zimbabwe tourism everyone talks about Hwange national park as the best national park, Mana pools is not really mentioned so manyContinue reading "Zimbabwe Mana Pools National Park"

Tsavo East National Park

Tsavo East National Park is one of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya. Very easy to reach from Watamu, it is a must see attraction. Daily lot of visitors cross its gates to see the beautiful wildlife that preserve. Before cross the gate you'll be welcomed by friendly monkeys and serious reptiles looking at you asContinue reading "Tsavo East National Park"

Mikumi and Udzungwa Mountains Safari

Last time we talked about our safari from Zanzibar in Selous Game Reserve. But another excursion where you can have an easy and cheap safari from Zanzibar is Mikumi National Park and Udzungwa Mountains. Mikumi National Park is in the northern border of Africa's biggest game reserve - the Selous – and is transected byContinue reading "Mikumi and Udzungwa Mountains Safari"

Not a common travel company

Why we define ourselves not a common travel company? “It’s easy to talk about Africa, it's difficult to know it deeply, to enter into the African way, unless we're undressing of our Western knowledge and, like a novice who learns, open up well our eyes and ears, and, above all, the heart, to rhythms, thoughtsContinue reading "Not a common travel company"