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Eye on Africa


Rare endemic birds on your Rwanda safari

  Tourists who love birdwatching in Africa must also know that Rwanda is the place of great surprises. Over 700 different species of volatiles, 30 of which are endemic and some very rare too. Many birds of Rwanda are mountain birds, which is very difficult to see in the African environment. So you can bookContinue reading "Rare endemic birds on your Rwanda safari"

Storks and cranes at Uganda birdwatching safaris

They can be funny or elegant, for sure they are a show to admire. Storks and cranes are the main attractions of birdwatching safaris in Uganda, and they are not the only ones. This nation includes over 1.000 species of birds, 150 of which can be considered endemic. This is one of the most interestingContinue reading "Storks and cranes at Uganda birdwatching safaris"