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Eye on Africa


Botswana’s Chobe National Park: Home to Africa’s Largest Elephant Population

The paradise of elephants is in Africa … it seems trivial to say, but it is not. It is no longer obvious and certain that this species can be found on the great continent, because for years now it has been at risk due to indiscriminate hunting. In Botswana, and in particular in the ChobeContinue reading “Botswana’s Chobe National Park: Home to Africa’s Largest Elephant Population”

Botswana’s Okavango Delta: The World’s Largest Inland Delta and its Wonders

All rivers flow into the sea, or at most into large lakes. This is the universal rule that we all study in school books, but Africa is a continent that overturns the rules. And so here we find a river that doesn’t flow anywhere: it evaporates, disappears into thin air. This is the Okavango River,Continue reading “Botswana’s Okavango Delta: The World’s Largest Inland Delta and its Wonders”

Botswana, Overland safari for all

  Overland indicates a particular journey made by a particular vehicle. It has become the protagonist of a series of documentaries about traveling around the world by truck and/or bus, sometimes it is referred to as a jeep car. Anyway it is a special means planned to run through difficult landscapes and soils. Recently, overlandContinue reading "Botswana, Overland safari for all"

Birding safari in Botswana, among the delta’s birds

If you are a birdwatcher aiming to learn more about African birds, you must book a birding safari in Botswana, land of the delta's birds. The nation's territory, in fact, includes most part of the Okawango Delta's swamps, where an incredible fauna has its perfect habitat. River Okavango's delta never arrives to the sea, itContinue reading "Birding safari in Botswana, among the delta’s birds"

Botswana, safari tra gli uccelli del delta

   Se siete birdwatcher e volete saperne di più sugli uccelli africani, dovete prenotare un birdwatching safari in Botswana, terra degli uccelli del delta. Il territorio della nazione, infatti, comprende gran parte delle paludi del delta dell'Okawango, dove una fauna incredibile ha il suo habitat perfetto. Il delta del fiume Okavango non arriva mai alContinue reading "Botswana, safari tra gli uccelli del delta"