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Eye on Africa


Where to do Covid tests in Zanzibar

  Unlike what one may think, Africa has always been very attentive to the Covid pandemics situation. Especially the regions famous for tourism, just like Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania and, of course, the archipelago of Zanzibar are busy in keeping the population safe. Because of the difficulty in finding the medicines and the too expensiveContinue reading "Where to do Covid tests in Zanzibar"

Africa, the Covid 19 situation in summer 2021

  Africa has been facing the Covid 19 pandemics much better than any other continent in the world. It sounds weird, but the "Black Continent" had very few damages and victims since the world pandemics started. It is not true that we do not have serious reports, or that the African nations are hiding theirContinue reading "Africa, the Covid 19 situation in summer 2021"

Covid and tourism, where to travel in Africa

  Europe, America and part of Asia are opening again. Covid seems to have slowed down, or stopped too, thanks to vaccinations. Tourism is allowed again, though Europeans cannot go everywhere. They must stay within specific areas, until the world will be all safe. But what about Africa? The continent is fighting a hard battleContinue reading "Covid and tourism, where to travel in Africa"

Covid in Botswana, situation and useful tips

Covid 19 is the worst pandemic the world has faced since 1918. The virus seems hard to fight, and it comes back in periods making nations fall into panic and emergency. How about Africa? How about Botswana? Africa looks like living a better situation but the problem is quite controversial, becauseĀ  there are not enoughContinue reading "Covid in Botswana, situation and useful tips"

Travel to Kenya after Covid: updates

Africa seems to have had less impact of Covid 19 virus, as far as disease and deaths are concerned. It may depend on the fewer tests available or on the governments' censorship. But it is also possible that this kind of virus does not affect people living in warm places where pollution is not suchContinue reading "Travel to Kenya after Covid: updates"