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Eye on Africa


Welcome to Rwanda

Rwanda is a very small nation set in central-eastern Africa. It has no outlet to the Ocean and is mainly a mountain territory - the highest range is the Virunga (2700 mt asl). The big lake Victoria is 300 km away from the nation's border, on the east, and is not part of its territory.Continue reading "Welcome to Rwanda"

BOSTWANA, the land of tswana

Tswana is the tribe of the land of Bostwana while Setswana is name of the language they speak. They use Setswana in everyday life ‘if you want to travel to Botswana why not pick up simple swana words that you can use when you travel their ‘. The main religion is Christianity, though these daysContinue reading "BOSTWANA, the land of tswana"

Lamu archipelago a hidden paradise

Today I wanna talk about a new partnership that is born to promote the Hidden paradise of Lamu Archipelago. A view from the sea of Lamu Town The Lamu Archipelago is located in the Indian Ocean so close to the northern coast of Kenya, and the islands lie between the towns of Lamu and Kiunga. The largest of the islands are PateContinue reading "Lamu archipelago a hidden paradise"

Not a common travel company

Why we define ourselves not a common travel company? “It’s easy to talk about Africa, it's difficult to know it deeply, to enter into the African way, unless we're undressing of our Western knowledge and, like a novice who learns, open up well our eyes and ears, and, above all, the heart, to rhythms, thoughtsContinue reading "Not a common travel company"