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Eye on Africa


The Great Rift Valley: A Journey Through Kenya’s Spectacular Landscapes

The Great Rift Valley is one of the most intricate active fault systems in the world and crosses Africa, and Kenya in particular, from north to south. But if you look at it through the eyes of a passionate tourist, this “valley” is not just a set of geological data but a spectacle of landscapesContinue reading “The Great Rift Valley: A Journey Through Kenya’s Spectacular Landscapes”

A Journey Through Kenya’s Maasai Mara: The Land of the Big Five

The Masai Mara, in Kenya, is the most famous natural park in the world, the one – so to speak – you see in almost all TV documentaries on African fauna. Yet it is not nationally protected, it is not a real “national park”, but only a “wildlife – or game – reserve”. However, itContinue reading “A Journey Through Kenya’s Maasai Mara: The Land of the Big Five”

Top 10 luxury accommodation in Nairobi

  Nairobi is the capital of Kenya and a very interesting big city. With over 6 million inhabitants, this large gathering of humans, tourists, events and experiences is the balance between the western way of living and the African one. This incredible capital borders a regional protected park where wild animals live free. This meansContinue reading “Top 10 luxury accommodation in Nairobi”

History of the Sultanates of Kilwa and Zanzibar

  The east coast of Africa is not just safari in the wild, stunning beaches, wonderful seabeds. This part of the "Swahili land" also has a very interesting history. The whole coast used to be part of important kingdoms, here called "sultanates", the most important of which was the sultanate of Kilwa. But the islandContinue reading "History of the Sultanates of Kilwa and Zanzibar"

Why not to miss a safari in Amboseli

  If you have the chance to do it,  you should never miss a safari at Amboseli National Park, in Kenya. One of the most famous protected areas in the world, Amboseli has a particular charme that makes it different from any other. Of course you can find the typical African animals, here: lions, leopards,Continue reading "Why not to miss a safari in Amboseli"