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Eye on Africa


Visiting Arli, National Park since 1954

Arli - or Arly - National Park is one of the oldest natural reserves in Burkina Faso. It was established in 1954. A large wild land of 760 sq km stretching to the border with Benin on one side and with Singou Reserve on the other. The latter is a sort of completion of theContinue reading "Visiting Arli, National Park since 1954"

Welcome to Burkina Faso

When you hear about Burkina Faso you mainly hear about poor people, starving populations, deserts, wild lands. No one would ever book a holiday to Burkina Faso. What for? But the beauty of Africa is untouched, even in one of the poorest places in the continent. And maybe you will find out that Burkina FasoContinue reading "Welcome to Burkina Faso"