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Eye on Africa


Serengeti, park of wonders

  Two states share the territory of the Serengeti region. They are Kenya and – the largest part – Tanzania, in east Africa. Its 30.000 square km of dry lands, bush, savannah and woods welcome every year thousands of animals during their migration. In its territory opens the Olduvai Gorge that keeps important archaeological sites.Continue reading “Serengeti, park of wonders”

Discovering Tarangire National Park

   The national territory of Tanzania is covered for 32% with National Parks and protected areas. So, no wonder if the best safaris in the world can be booked here. And precisely in the city of Arusha, north east of the Country. Not far from Arusha, about 100 km west, the Tarangire National Park willContinue reading “Discovering Tarangire National Park”

Lake Manyara National Park

  An unusual, special and exciting safari will take you to this African wonder, Lake Maynara, Tanzania. It is named after a plant, emanyara, which is very common in this region. Maasai people use it as a fence for their camps. Lake Manyara is not a big lake. Only 50 km long, 16 km wide,Continue reading “Lake Manyara National Park”

Tanzanite, the African rare gem

  Imagine a bright blue light shining at your neck, or ears, or at your finger. Imagine the beauty of a rare jewel whose colour is a show of its own. This is the Tanzanite, a rare gem bearing the name of the state where it was first found in 1967. At first, the nameContinue reading “Tanzanite, the African rare gem”

History of the Sultanates of Kilwa and Zanzibar

  The east coast of Africa is not just safari in the wild, stunning beaches, wonderful seabeds. This part of the "Swahili land" also has a very interesting history. The whole coast used to be part of important kingdoms, here called "sultanates", the most important of which was the sultanate of Kilwa. But the islandContinue reading "History of the Sultanates of Kilwa and Zanzibar"