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Eye on Africa


Livingstone Museum, the beating heart of Zambian culture

  The Livingstone Museum, with its name alone, celebrates the hero par excellence of Zambia, the one to whom the city that hosts it is also dedicated. Before understanding this museum, therefore, it is good to understand who David Livingstone was. Born in 1813 in Scotland, Livingstone studied as a doctor with the idea ofContinue reading "Livingstone Museum, the beating heart of Zambian culture"

Great Zambesi river in Zambia

Zambezi River simply means “Great River” in our Zambian Tonga language. The Zambezi is the fourth longest east flowing river here in Africa, it beautifully flows through six African countries. The mighty Zambezi River lies at 1,500 meters (4, 900ft) above sea level in Mwinilunga district in Zambia.  It passes through Zambia, Angola, Namibia, andContinue reading "Great Zambesi river in Zambia"

Victoria Falls excursion

Today we want to tell you about our trip to Zambia, in particular of an experience that has left us breathless: the Victoria Falls excursion, a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, one of the greatest attractions and one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world located on the Zambezi River,Continue reading "Victoria Falls excursion"