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Eye on Africa


Come visit the Hoba Meteorite in Namibia

  It happened in the early years of the 20th century, in a colonial farm in Namibia, south-western Africa. A man, Michael Hanssen, was plowing his fields when the plow hit something very hard. This made a weird metal sound, but neither the farmer nor the men who came for a help succeded in takingContinue reading "Come visit the Hoba Meteorite in Namibia"


Namibia is one of those countries in Africa that you can visit on your own, without the need for a guide. The country is very sparsely populated, only 2 million people live there. It is one of the youngest nations of the African continent, having obtained independence from South Africa only in 1990, from whichContinue reading "Namibia"

Etosha National Park

The name of this Namibian National Park Etosha, means the ”great white area” and refers to the huge salt pan. This is an impressive sight because it’s certainly the biggest salt pan in Africa. Etosha National Park is unique in Africa. The park’s main characteristic is a salt pan so large it can be seen fromContinue reading "Etosha National Park"