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Eye on Africa


Exploring the Untouched Beauty of Zambia’s Lower Zambezi National Park

The Lower Zambezi National Park is located in the extreme south of Zambia, along an alluvial plain where the Zambezi River flows, between acacia and miombo woods. It is not one of the most famous African national parks but it is certainly among the most beautiful. A safari in this park offers many fascinating scenariosContinue reading “Exploring the Untouched Beauty of Zambia’s Lower Zambezi National Park”

Zambia’s Victoria Falls: World’s Largest Waterfall Other Attractions

  When David Livingstone discovered the beautiful Victoria Falls, he probably didn't believe his eyes. After all, he was there quite by accident. Born in 1813 in Scotland, he studied as a doctor with the idea of going on a mission to Asia. He had to change plans due to a war and instead foundContinue reading "Zambia’s Victoria Falls: World’s Largest Waterfall Other Attractions"

Plan your African honeymoon in Zambia

  Weddings are the beginning of journeys that may last a lifetime! You may find long, easy roads or narrow dirty alleys. You may face danger and relax, hard times and funny times, warm days and cold days. The best training for a life as a married couple is your honeymoon holiday and no placeContinue reading "Plan your African honeymoon in Zambia"

BOSTWANA, the land of tswana

Tswana is the tribe of the land of Bostwana while Setswana is name of the language they speak. They use Setswana in everyday life ‘if you want to travel to Botswana why not pick up simple swana words that you can use when you travel their ‘. The main religion is Christianity, though these daysContinue reading "BOSTWANA, the land of tswana"

Zimbabwe Mana Pools National Park

Mana pools National Park in Zimbabwe take its name from a Zimbabwean shona world meaning “four” it refers to the four water pools that are formed by the Zambezi River. When it comes to Zimbabwe tourism everyone talks about Hwange national park as the best national park, Mana pools is not really mentioned so manyContinue reading "Zimbabwe Mana Pools National Park"