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Eye on Africa


Zimbabwe Mana Pools National Park

Mana pools National Park in Zimbabwe take its name from a Zimbabwean shona world meaning “four” it refers to the four water pools that are formed by the Zambezi River. When it comes to Zimbabwe tourism everyone talks about Hwange national park as the best national park, Mana pools is not really mentioned so manyContinue reading "Zimbabwe Mana Pools National Park"

The Nyami Nyami god

This is so fascinating to read that, The local Tonga people of Zambia have a cultural belief that the Nyami Nyami is a god and guardian of the Zambezi river, this has been passed on by generations from their ancestors till now that there is a god of the river and a “goddess” his wifeContinue reading "The Nyami Nyami god"

White Rhino Tracking

WHITE RHINO TRACKING Today i'm still going to write about our trip in Zambia, but i'll focus about our White Rhino Tracking in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. White rhinos in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park The Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park [Mosi wa Tunya] "The Smoke Which Thunders" from the Kololo or Lozi language. Is a UNESCO World Heritage site thatContinue reading "White Rhino Tracking"